Early morning departure from Halifax by RicLaf CC 2.0
Holidays should be fun, but sometimes things don’t always go to plan. Should your travel plans take a turn for the worst, you want to be sure that you haven’t done any of the following!
Deciding you don’t need travel insurance
Last year 581,000 travel insurance claims were made by Brits abroad. The total paid out by travel insurance companies to help those travellers in need was £370million!*
Thinking a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) provides free healthcare
An EHIC allows travellers to access the same level of care that the locals get – which may not be free! If you don’t have separate insurance you might find that fixing a broken leg in Spain is more costly than your entire holiday.
Not disclosing existing medical conditions
You may not think your previous illnesses or conditions are relevant, but your insurer might. If you have a fall abroad and the underwriters decide that it was caused by low blood pressure linked to an undisclosed medical condition, you might find that your insurance is invalidated.
Not checking your details are correct
Name, address, dates of birth, dates of travel…. All these details need to be correct or once again your insurance could be invalidated. Make sure you check your paperwork and contact your insurer immediately if any details are wrong.
Failing to get sports cover for skiing, climbing, snowboarding, rafting, sharkdiving, paragliding….
No two travel insurers are the same, and while many things may be included as standard on a policy, you can be sure that sporting activities are not. This is easily sorted though, just let them know what kind of activities you are likely to be doing and these may be able to be added to your policy.
Getting drunk and doing something stupid then trying to claim on your insurance
If you have been drinking or taking drugs and you have an accident (or lose your belongings) because you are not compos mentis you aren’t going to be covered by your travel insurance. If an incident happens where the fact you have had a couple of drinks is not actually a factor, then you may still be able to make a claim.
Don’t get caught out when you next travel – call the team at WorlwideInsure.com on 01892 833338 to get the right travel insurance for your holiday!